“With the same total lack of awareness as when a man flirts with me. “My mom always told me, ‘you don’t have to go to the party, but it’s nice to be invited.’ It’s stuck with me and taught me about acceptance.” You don’t have to go to the party, but it’s nice to be invited. I take it back, considering the number of girls who’ve led me on, it feels good to do it to someone else.”ħ. Plus it feels nice to actually be pursued. But flirting is fun and this way it’s pretty low pressure for me since I never have to worry about them seeing my penis. I guess I feel bad that I might be leading someone on. If that’s you please take a course about sexual harassment because you are a shit person.” “Not a problem until you meet one of those ‘you’re only straight because you haven’t tried it’ types. Not a problem until you meet one of those ‘you’re only straight because you haven’t tried it’ types. It’s not a big deal, just let them know you don’t swing that way and respect them for the confidence it took to approach you.” “Honestly flattered, feel like a hot piece of ass.
Gay men have ridiculously high standards and the fact that they think they can make a lover out of this Sasquatch is adorable.” The fact that they think they can make a lover out of this Sasquatch is adorable. “ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED that someone would lower their standards to such a repulsively low bar.”Ģ.